RC Tarantula Sure To Scare Girlfriends Across the Nation
Gah!!!!!! RC Tarantula!!!!! Even if you don't have a fear of spiders, this thing is sure to give you the willies.
View ArticleSmokeless Ashtrays: Do They Work And Which Is Best - Product Review
The concept of the smokeless ashtray has been around for at least 30 years. Have the past three decades shown any design improvements? And more importantly--do they work?
View ArticleGameRider: The Virtual Spinning Bike
Do you have a kid that is turning into a blob because he is addicted to video games and simply won't move from the couch? GymKids has a solution that combines activity with gaming... and lots of pedaling.
View ArticleKing Robota -- A Real Giant Robot?
Ranging anywhere from eight to sixteen feet in height, King Robota manufactures some amazing robots designed for corporate events and large entertainment venues. But... how much of the robot is a robot?
View ArticleLooking for That Last Minute Christmas Gift? Turn to the Dark Side... of Tea.
Darth Vader: "Would you care for sugar and milk?"Emperor: "No, no thank you, Lord Vader. I prefer my tea bitter and black."Darth Vader: "As you wish."
View ArticleThe WildCat -- A New All-Terrain Robot that Sort of Looks Like a Monster
Look at that picture on the right. Looks innocuous enough, right? Well, wait until you see this thing in motion. Quite scary. But, scariness aside, there is something to say about the WildCat...
View ArticleKJB Security Camera Lens Cup Has an Eye on You... And a Cup a' Joe.
Well, okay... it's not a real lens. But if you are into photography, you may want to check out this clever coffee mug. And it also has a coaster for cookies!
View ArticleWhat is the Selk'bag? A Camper's Dream... To a Point
Until recently I went camping several times per year. And believe it or not, it gets damned cold in Florida during certain months. So, when nature calls and you've gotta crawl out of that tent at 3...
View ArticleSo, Will the Perfect Bacon Bowl Provide Deliciousness? Let's Find Out!
I love bacon. I don't mean just "love". I mean I love it as much as I love cheese. If cheese and bacon were to get into a fight I would jump in to mediate because I wouldn't want either of them...
View ArticleWhat is the Leia Display System? Well, it's... Cool.
Within the next five years we may have holographic telephone systems akin to the Dejarik game in Star Wars (you know... the one with the little monsters... "Let the Wookiee win"). I don't know about...
View ArticleWant to Peel a Bag of Potatoes in Under One Minute? Here's How...
This is a unique innovation that I wish I had thought of when I worked in a school kitchen and had to peel enough potatoes to feed 350 kids. I'm not sure if this device would pass a health inspection...
View ArticleThrow to the Final Frontier with the U.S.S. Enterprise Flying Disc
Make it so! A disc shaped like the flagship of the United Federation of Planets?!?! And it actually flies?!?!? How can any fan of Star Trek not want this?
View ArticleYour Beer Will Be Assimilated By The Borg Cube Fridge
If you're a Star Trek fan, you know of the insidious hive-mind known as The Borg Collective. And now they are out to steal our beer--and keep it as cold as their frosty hearts.
View ArticleWatch Out! There Might Be Bones In Your Gummy Bear!
Huh. Who knew that gummy bears had internal organs? Or a brain? Which brings up the disturbing notion that we've been eating sentient beings for all of these years...
View ArticleQ-Phone: A Cool Spy Gadget - And a Sure Path to Divorce
Get a cell phone as a gift lately? Better take a closer look at it, because it could not only be a cell phone, but also a global-wide listening device. And you're the one being listened to.
View ArticleRat Brained Robots! Rat Brained Robots! Gaaaahhhhh!!!!!!
Cyborg rats are taking over the world!Okay, so that's a lie. But there are robots with little rat brains out there. And you'll be surprised what they're being used for.
View ArticleAs Seen on TV: Bendaroos!
Bendaroos are touted as a toy with endless possibilities. They bend! They stick! But what do parents think of this As Seen on TV toy?
View ArticleAs Seen On TV: The AeroGarden Review
The AeroGarden is an indoor gardening system that claims to grow herbs, tomatoes, and flowers at an increased rate and size with a minimum amount of time or effort on the part of the gardener. But...
View ArticleThis T-Rex Illusion Will Blow Your Mind!
Look at that cute little T-Rex. What's bizarre is that when you walk around the room, he turns his head and continues watching you. How did it do that? Read on and find out!
View ArticleAs Seen On TV: Is The Nicer Dicer... Nicer?
I'm all for gadgets that save time in the kitchen. The Genius Nicer Dicer offers an attractive solution to chopping stuff with a knife: one push and the veggie is diced--with no mess on the counter....
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